Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Free I Can Statements for the Common Core!

My principal totally and completely made my day when she forwarded this wonderful link containing all the K-5 Common Core standards translated into child-friendly I Can statements. I had pinned several I Can statement ideas on Pinterest, but had not yet found the time to make my own. I had also found some links to sets available for purchase, but I am a cheap skate and always try to make my own resources whenever possible. Now I don't have to. They are all here in a wonderful checklist format for free! You can print them by grade level and content area. There are two versions - the first plain black and white; the second with color and graphics. (I bet you can guess which one I printed!) The font is a bit small so I plan to have an older student helper type them into a larger format for my daily bulletin board. This checklist makes a great readiness assessment tool as well. 

Happy Tuesday!

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